Dans ce Top Cochrane PEC, on revoit le rôle de l’imagerie thoracique comme outil diagnostic d’une infection au virus COVID-19.
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Ce cours a été conçu par David Houle et Nordine Nekhili et révisé par Pr Patricia Jabre le 11 septembre 2024.

Thoracic imaging tests for the diagnosis of COVID-19.
Ebrahimzadeh S,Islam N,Dawit H,Salameh JP,Kazi S,Fabiano N,Treanor L,Absi M,Ahmad F,Rooprai P,Al Khalil A,Harper K,Kamra N,Leeflang MM,Hooft L,van der Pol CB,Prager R,Hare SS,Dennie C,Spijker R,Deeks JJ,Dinnes J,Jenniskens K,Korevaar DA,Cohen JF,Van den Bruel A,Takwoingi Y,van de Wijgert J,Wang J,Pena E,Sabongui S,McInnes MD,Cochrane COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Accuracy Group, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2022 May 16 5(5) CD013639
Sensitivity and Diagnostic Yield of the First SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Amplification Test Performed for Patients Presenting to the Hospital.
Hohl CM,Hau JP,Vaillancourt S,Grant J,Brooks SC,Morrison LJ,Perry JJ,Rosychuk RJ,CCEDRRN investigators for the Network of Canadian Emergency Researchers and the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group, JAMA network open 2022 Oct 3 5(10) e2236288